5 Top Things That You Didn’t Know About People of Caucasus

Maybe you have heard about the Caucasus Mountains, or maybe you haven’t. It’s a mountain system that borders the continents of Europe and Asia, with majestic peaks, lakes and forest areas. This mountain range also lies between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea, and is home to some of Europe’s tallest mountains. If you’re wondering […]

Top 7 Things Worth to Know About Caucasus Mountains

The Caucasus Mountains are a mountain range located in West Asia, with the Black Sea and the Caspain Sea on either side. Not only is it the highest mountains in Europe, the Caucasus Mountains are also the natural borders of Europe and Asia. Its beautiful forests, Alpine lakes and snow-capped peaks are enough to entice […]

6 Surprising Facts About Siberian Vodka

We all know that Russia is particularly famous for their vodka. Not only for its exemplary quality and long history, but also for its prevalence in Russian tradition and culture. That’s why we are not hesitant about stereotyping Russian people and their ever-present bottle of vodka. You have learned all about the Most Interesting Things You […]

9 Most Interesting Things You Should Know About Scandinavian Vodka

Russian people and vodka, the two things that are almost always interconnected. How often can we think about vodka without envisioning Russians and their ever-present clinking bottles? Although vodka can be made nearly anywhere, the world’s best types of vodka comes from Scandinavian countries. Slavic nations, including Russia, too are considered unrivaled in their vodka […]

Get to Know 5 Valentine’s Symbol in Russia

Believe it or not, Russia, the country of prevailing culture and tradition, celebrates Valentine’s day much like the rest of the world. You know that Russian people take extreme pride in their history and honors it by conserving tradition. For example, check out how Russians implement the Traditions and Customs Of Russian Easter and preserve the Wedding […]

The Culture of Valentine’s Day in Russia (Love is in the air)

Russia is renowned for its highly intellectual thinkers and writers. This geographically vast country is the motherland of Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Pushkin, Anton Chekhov and leaders like Stalin and Lenin. You may expect that Russia will have its own unique tradition in regard to Valentine’s day, especially concerning its long legacy of cultural heritage. But it turns […]

Celebration of Valentine’s Day in Russia

St Valentine’s day falls on February 14th. All over the world, people of all ages acknowledge this annual event. It is the day when people celebrate their love. When the young confess to their crushes, partners give gifts of chocolate and flowers, and even friends can exchange greeting cards. Like the rest of the world, […]

How to Buy Authentic Russian Matryoshka

Most of us when we visit a certain country, we would try find unique local specialties that can be brought back home as souvenirs. You know, the little trinkets and snacks that will remind us of our past trips. Sometimes we also give them to friends and family as gifts. Besides, souvenirs from across the […]

The Meaning of Birch Tree for Russian people

For the rest of the world, birch trees may not have any significant meaning. The majority of us see them only as another type of trees. However, this isn’t the case for Russians. Birch trees are an integral part of their culture, because the meaning of birch tree for Russian people is rather special. Just […]

9 Interesting Facts of Russian Matryoshka Dolls

Do you know the set of wooden dolls that come in decreasing size, in which the smaller ones can be placed inside the bigger doll? Or perhaps you’re more familiar with the cartoon Higglytown Heroes? Yeah, those dolls… They are called the matryoshka dolls and have become a trademark Russian souvenir. This traditional handicraft is […]