8 Russian cartoons that reflects the past life in USSR

A movie always has some sort of message. Cartoons, as simple as they may seem, are no exceptions. After all, every product of human creativity must be inspired by a real-life situation. If you are keen, you can spot it in every movie you watch. Russian cartoons, especially made in the Soviet era, are quietly […]

6 Most Recommended Russian Books for Kids

Reading is very important for kids and its importance cannot be emphasized enough in them. As parents, you need to make daily reading as a high priority. Many scientists agree that kids who used to read on a daily basis have a larger vocabulary than those who did not read at all. It turns out […]

4 Best Russian Books for Toddlers (Every Parent Should Know!)

Books for toddlers are parents’ first introduction to the art of storytelling. Reading to toddlers aloud helps develop listening skills, imagination, and never-ending love of books. Also, toddlers love being read to. When you, as parents, read to them, you may as well be spending quality time just for the two of you. One of […]

6 Most Loved Russian Cartoon Characters of All Time

Cartoon isn’t only the territory of Disney. Russia surprisingly is quite an expert when it comes to animated motion pictures. Although they aren’t as popular as American-based Pixar movies, the animation does have a special place in the hearts of Russian people. Many would reminisce fondly the good old day cartoons from their childhood era. […]

Parents will choose these 6 Russian cartoons for their children

It is inevitable that cartoons play a huge part of a child’s growth. Aside from learning through school and bedtime stories, cartoons can be an interesting media for children to learn new things, such as nature, science, friendship, music, and language. As long as parents know which cartoons to let their children watch, and let […]

6 most favorite Russian cartoons for all ages from then and now

When asked about childhood, most people would probably have a couple of things that remind them the most about being a child. Whether it’s the fun games, holiday activities, or favorite toys. Another thing that cannot be separated from childhood is watching cartoons! Don’t you agree? Who doesn’t love cartoons? They’re a timeless classic for […]

7 Most Recommended Russian Cartoons to Watch for Language Learners

Hello learners! Learning a new language is always challenging, isn’t it? You might want to start learning Russian language for a number of reasons, whether you’re planning to just visit Russia for your summer holiday,  or perhaps stay longer for work or studies, as there are many advantages of studying in Russia for international students. […]

6 Best Russian Rock Bands From Then And Now

Are there any of you who like rock music? If the answer is yes, then what is the name of your favorite rock bands? Of course you will mention various rock band names from all over the world. All the best rock band names you like and the best from your home country. But, do […]

5 Most Common Music Tastes of Russian People These Days

I want to ask you something. What kind of song do you really like? Does the music on your favorite song match your music taste? What kind of music do you like? Many things we can ask someone about their favorite music tastes. And it seems like that is a reasonable question. One person to […]

Do You Want to Know President Putin’s Music Taste? Here’s the Answer

Liking a music does not have boundaries is not it? Everyone without exception can listen to their favorite music. Through music, people are able to have fun together. Young and old, rich, poor, and many other factors can like the same music. But did you know about the president or minister of music tastes that […]