The Level of Friendship for Russian People

Friendship is more than a pleasant company or closeness of interests. Friendship is a deep, sincere relationship that includes a whole range of emotions. Friendship is characterized by deep mutual understanding of people. This means the ability to communicate with each other almost without words, using gestures and facial expressions, to perceive and accurately understand […]

Don’t Do These Superstitions When You Visit Russia

Do you plan to travel to Russia in the near future? Other than learning how to say daily phrases in local language or looking for a nice place to stay or mark attractions, it would be wise to understand the culture and customs, too. You should know that, among other interesting things, Russians believe in […]

17 Russian Superstitions that Every Russian Kid Know

Russian tradition do not recognize some of the most common western superstition, such as the deadly myth of number 13 or the peril of walking under the stairs. However, there are dozens if not hundreds of Russian superstitions that has become inseparable with everyday life. They may come from folk custom that somehow evolves into […]

7 Favorite Russian Superstitions that are Believed to Bring Good Luck

Superstition is an inseparable part of Russian tradition. It has evolved throughout the years into social etiquette and norms that are commonly accepted in Russian society, although it originally may be born out of mere folk belief and archaic mindset. Celebrations, daily activities, and interpersonal communications are almost always lightly nuanced with superstition. Superstitions that […]

Before You Visit Russian Homes, Be Polite by Knowing Their Dining Etiquette

There is an unspoken agreement that takes place the moment you receive an invitation to someone’s house for meals which is the host agrees to make you feel comfortable while you, as a guest, agree to be polite and appreciative throughout the occasion. When both of these aspects are in sync, good times over good […]

Collect All of Russian Beliefs and Customs as Your Direction To Live There

Do you want to know more about Russia? Talking about the beliefs and customs is not something that sounds unusual among people. In all countries on earth, they certainly have beliefs and customs that are still applied in their daily lives. Although today is the modern era. This belief and custom merges with the modern […]

Pick Up All About Russian Etiquette and Customs to Make A Better Life There

Let’s get to know more about Russia! A country certainly has etiquette and customs that are still applied from the past until now. When there are tourists who come to a country, they must respect the etiquette and customs of the country so that they do not cause problems while in the country. This etiquette […]