All You Should Know About the Afisha Picnic Outdoor Festival

This is another festival you should definitely catch in the summer when you’re in Russia. Just by the name of it, Afisha Picnic, you can already tell that it is held outdoor with nice picnic-y summery feels to it. This event is one of the biggest in Russia and popular internationally too. The highlight of […]

8 Events not to be missed in Russia during summer

One of the things you have to do to vacation in Russia is events not to be missed in Russia during summer. Summer is the best time for everyone. The temperature is not cold, allowing you to go to various places of interest. Everyone from babies to the elderly certainly prefers summer than winter. If […]

9 Best Places to Enjoy and Celebrate White Night Festival in Russia

The White Night Festival in Russia is a morph of culture, arts, and music that provides you one of the richest experiences around. The night when Russian people celebrate White Night Festival, the streets of St. Petersburg, come alive with colorful carnivals and performances by several world’s most talented artists. It takes place during the […]

7 Guides to Celebrate White Night Festival in Russia

White Night Festival is an annual international arts festival in Russia. It is celebrated during the season of the midnight sun and consists of a series of opera, classical ballet, and music events. It is taken place at St. Petersburg. Due to the latitude of St. Petersburg’s location, St. Petersburg is well known for the […]

6 Informations for Local Traditions of Russian Scarlet Sails

In Russia, there are celebrations for all young people in a romantic festival. The festival enters the best festival in the world. Congratulations will be given to those who have just graduated and will begin their adult years. This festival is held annually with thousands of people from various countries coming to attend. This festival […]

5 Amazing Arts Festival in Russia During Summer

How is summer in Russia? Russia is known as one of the coldest countries in the world because it borders the North Pole. For this reason, summer in Russia is the most anticipated season for most Russians, even tourists. In the summer, most people can do their summer activities in Russia. For example, visiting the […]

Worth to Know Facts about Nashestvie Rock Festival in Russia

Music has always been a great thing to bring people together. They say it’s a universal language that can be understood even when one doesn’t speak the native tongue of the lyrics. Then, just like a great tree, music branches itself to accommodate different tastes by dividing the genre that then bind together people who […]

Brief Guide You Should Know Before Going to Russian Nashestvie Festival

Summer in Russia doesn’t last really long, and that’s why it’s always packed with outdoor events while it lasts. One of the most famous is this Russian rock festival known as Nashestvie Festival. The event is usually held around July or August for two to three days. Dubbed as the “Russian Woodstock”, Nashestvie calls for […]

What You Need to Know About Day Military Topographer in Russia

Every February 8th, Russian military celebrates what’s known as Day Military Topographer. It that confuses you, then no worries. Unless you’re someone who is familiar with the military world or someone who works in the military, the chance is that you probably haven’t heard about Day Military Topographer, or even a military topographer itself. Let’s […]

9 Events Not to be Missed in Russia During Summer

Russia is the largest country in the world that has four seasons in a year. Winter begins in December, January, and February. Spring, very nice season, begins in March, April, and May. Summer begins in June, July, and August. Last but not least, autumn begins in September, October, and November. For some tourism, Moscow and […]