Figurative Meanings in Russian Verbs of Motion

You know that in Russian language there are a group of verbs that show motion, yups it is verbs of motion. After learning everything you must know about verbs of motion, from the list of Russian Verbs of Motion, the list of Russian verbs of motion without prefixes, to the list of Russian verbs of motion with prefixes. Here, you will figure out that there is another use of verbs of motion. As in literal meaning, you know that verbs of motion explain a movement, meanwhile in figurative meaning verbs of motion explain a metaphorical movement. Figurative meanings in verbs of motion use verbs with and without prefixes.

  • Идти

To express how time has gone by :

• Часы идут по кругу, снова и снова, пока однажды… Не остановятся.
Chasy idut po krugu, snova i snova, poka odnazhdy… Ne ostanovjatsja.
The clock goes round and round and round until one day… It doesn’t.

• Часы идут, я не мог больше ждать.
Chasy idut, ja ne mog bol’she zhdat’.
Time is ticking, I could not wait any longer.

To express rain pouring :

• Ты можешь переждать здесь, пока идёт дождь.
Ty mozhesh’ perezhdat’ zdes’, poka idjot dozhd’.
You can wait here for as long as it rains.

To express compliment on clothes :

• О том, что вам идёт костюм.
O tom, chto vam idjot kostjum.
You look good in a suit.

  • Пройти

To express seasons :

• Лето прошло, осень пришла.
Leto proshlo, osen’ prishla.
Summer passed, fall came.

  • Проходить

To express seasons :

• Лето проходят очень быстро.
Leto prohodjat ochen’ bystro.
The summer passed very quickly.

  • Бежать

To express time is running :

• Время бежит, и я должна решать.
Vremja bezhit, i ja dolzhna reshat’.
Time is running out and I have to decide.

• Как бегут минуты, и я все еще здесь.
Kak begut minuty, i ja vse eshhe zdes’.
How fast the minutes fly away and I’m still here.

  • Носить

Talking about clothes someone wear :

• Он обычно носит футболку в классе.
On obychno nosit futbolku v klasse.
He usually wears t-shirt to the class.

Talking about accessories someone wear :

• Я ношу очки только для чтения.
Ya noshu ochki tol’ko dlja chtenija.
I wear glasses only for reading.

Talking about name :

• Университет носит имя своего основателя.
Universitet nosit imja svoego osnovatelja.
The University bears the name of its founder.

  • Везти

Talking about lucky and unlucky :

• Мне очень не повезло, я не видел ее в последний раз.
Mne ochen’ ne povezlo, ja ne videl ee v poslednij raz.
I was very unlucky, I could not see her for the last time.

  • Вести

Talking about someone behavior:

• Он должен вести себя как профессиональный
On dolzhen vesti sebja kak professional’nyj
He should behave like a professional

  • Сойти

To express how someone has lost their mind :

• Возможно, я сошёл с ума
Vozmozhno, ja soshjol s uma
Maybe I have lost my mind

  • Проводить

Talking about spending time :

• Как вы проводите своё свободное время?
Kak vy provodite svojo svobodnoe vremja?
How do you spend your free time?

  • Перенести

Talking about rescheduling an appointment :

• Потом перенесли встречу на вечер.
Potom perenesli vstrechu na vecher.
Then we rescheduled for tonight.

  • Завести

Talking about starting a conversation :

• Сегодня один человек в метро завёл со мной разговор.
Segodnja odin chelovek v metro zavjol so mnoj razgovor.
Today, a man on the subway had a conversation with me

To understand more about the figurative meaning you should learn more by reading, speaking, and listening to daily conversation in Russian language. Keep on learning and good luck! If you are beginner in Russian, we highly recommend you to visit How to Learn Russian for Beginners.

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