The List Of Russian Verbs of Motion Without Prefixes

As we have been talked on the previous article about List of Russian Verbs of Motion, which explained some Russian verbs including regular and irregular forms, now in this section we are going to give you information about The List of Russian Verbs of Motion Without Prefixes. In Russian language, Verbs in Russian Language are contained with many variations from regular and irregular, aspects, and with or without prefixes. The reason why we need to take a look a little bit closer with Russian verbs of motion without prefixes, because these verbs are mostly using in general conversation. Please kindly note, these verbs of motion without prefixes are imperfective. For more details related to that you may see on our previous lesson in the imperfective aspect in Russian verb.

Group I

Verbs of Unidirectional Motions

Group II

Verbs of Non-Directed or Various Directed Motions

Meaning in English

Идти Ходить To go, to walk (пешком –on foot)
Ехать Ездить To go, to drive (на транспорте-on vehicle)
Бежать Бегать To run
Лететь Летать To fly
Плыть Плавать To swim, to sail
Нести Носить To carry (in one’s hands)
Везти Возить To carry (in a vehicle)
Вести Водить To lead, to drive
Брести Бродить To roam, to wander
Лезть Лазить To climb (into)
Ползти Ползать To crawl
Тащить Таскать To carry, to drag
Катить Катать To roll, drive
Гнать Гонять To drive
Кататься To skate, to go for a ride

And below, you can see the functions of Russian verbs of motion without prefixes:

Group I (Verbs of Unidirectional Motions):

These kind of verbs can be seen in present tense which can be described as movement in one definite direction at the moment of speech (now – сейчас).


  • Я иду в офис
    (Ya idu ve ofis)
    I go to the office

We also could see this unidirectional motions in past or future tense. In both tenses, there are two movements in one direction.


  • Когда я шёл в офис, я встретил друга – past tense.
    (Kagda ya syol ve ofis, ya vstryecil druga)
    When I went to the office, I met friend
  • Я прочитаю журнал, когда буду ехать домой – future tense.
    (Ya prachitayu zhurnal, kagda budu yekhat damoy)
    I will read magazine, when I go home.

Group II (Verbs of Non-Directed or Various Directed Motions)

We divide this part into five functions as you can see in further explanation below:

1. Repeated movement there and back in present or future tense:


  • Я хожу в офис каждый день
    (Ya khozhu ve ofis kazhdiy jyen)
    I go to the office every day

We may added adverbs of time to make the sentence clearer. And here are those adverbs we could use:

  • Обычно : usually
  • Часто : often
  • Редко : seldom
  • Иногда : sometimes
  • Всегда : always
  • Каждый день : every day
  • Никогда не : never

2. The single movement there and back (verb of motion is equivalent to the verb Был – was) – past tense.


  • Вчера я ходил в школе
    (Vechera ya khojil ve shkolye)
    Yesterday I went to school
  • Вчера я был в школе
    (Vechera ya bil ve shkolye)
    Yesterday I was in school

We can also use this with the verbs любить нравиться уметь научиться + infinitive verb.


  • Мне нравится ходить в кино
    (Mnye nravitsya khojit ve kino)
    I like go to the cinema
  • Он умеет плавать
    (On umeyeet plavat)
    He knows how to swim

To explain ability, skill, usual means of movement.


  • Он хорошо бегает
    (On kharasho begayet)
    He runs well

The example above is using adverb хорошо for emphasizing the sentence which describing ability or how the subject is doing the movement (verb). You may read further about Russian adverbs (наречия) in how to learn Russian for beginners

  • Рыбы плавают
    (Ribey plavayut)
    The fishes are swimming
  • Птцы летают
    (Petitsey letayut)
    The birds are flying

The name of non concrete movement.


  • Ходить пешком полезно
    (Khojit pyeshkom palyezhna)
    Walking on foot is useful
  • Летать на самолёте интересно
    (Lyetat na samalyote interesna)
    It’s interesting to fly on airplane

There are also indirect meanings in which some verbs of motion without prefixes existed:

  • Время идёт (бежит летит)
    (Vremya ijyot)
    Time is running
  • Дни бегут
    (Ni byegut)
    Days are running
  • Годы летят
    (Godi letyat)
    Years are flying
  • Часы идут
    (Chasi idut)
    The clock is walking
  • Облака плывут
    (Ablaka plivut)
    The clouds are floating

Those are some information about Russian Verbs of Motion Without Prefixes. Surely, there are still more variations in Russian verbs that you can learn and read within this website. Please remember that to be understand better with Russian language with its grammar, you have to keep on practicing. You can practice with many ways such as reading short Russian articles on internet, watching Russian movies or listening to Russian songs and then you will notice some verbs you have learned have been spoken or written.

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