8 Diet Secret of Russian Women For You to Copy

If we talked about Russian women, sure we will remember how beauty and proportional they are. Russian is known as a perfect human, both the man and the woman. They have a beautiful face, skin, eyes and even their hair is shinning so wonderfully. Other than the beauty, Russian is also featured with a perfect […]

Russian Foods To Help You Loose Weight Fast

Having an ideal body is the dream of all women. Not only in Indonesia, it turns out in Russia women there also have tips or special foods to help weight loss you know. You can also go on a diet in the style of Russian women by consuming certain foods. If you are curious, see […]

Typical Diet Of Russian Woman Do That You Can Copy

Russian food tends to use more vegetables. But with the appropriate spice mixture, the taste of the vegetable will feel unique and certainly delicious. It’s time to forget junk food and switch to food and habits that can help you live a healthy life. If you are or want to diet, try a Russian woman’s […]