9 Crazy things Russian do For Fun in Winter

Icebreaker cruise in Moscow RiverWinter is a season which you will probably just want to do anything a whole day. Imagining the extreme cold, freezing windy air, and snow all over the ground, it must be tempting to stay inside a room with warm heater, hiding in a thick blanket while enjoyed your favourite channel.

Hey, wake up and stop being so lazy. This is a once in a year that you really have to enjoy. The weather should have challenged you to do so much fun by doing some exciting outdoor activities.

This article will guide you to try such crazy things Russian do for fun in winter. Actually Russia is well known for an extreme winter in the world. From November to April each year, Russia is fully transformed into a beautiful wonderland of snow and frost. In which you usually found on fairy tales; a white snow covered roads, seeing through ice of frozen lakes, sparkling parks, etc. No doubt, the local Russian often brave to do crazy things for fun in this snowy times. Here are 9 Crazy things Russian do for fun in winter :

1. Snowkiting

From the name, we can imagine that this has to do with snow. Based on the definition from Wikipedia, “Snowkiting is an outdoor winter sport where people use kite power to glide on snow or ice”. The kite is used for skiers to give them power when they jump over. Actually this has similar principle with kiteboarding. The thing which differentiate is the terrain, while snowkiting can only be performed in a snowy surface, kiteboarding is done in a water, like at the beach. What makes this extreme sport is that you have to conquer your body from the crazy cold temperature.

Russian snowkiters mostly can be found in Moscow and St. Petersburg. As for professional there is annual snowkiting championship , which is held near the city of Toyaltti, exactly on Kuibyashev reservoir. It is the biggest artificial lake on the Volga river, around 600 miles southeast of Moscow. While the amateurs can practice in frozen river and lake scattered all over Russia.

2. Ice diving

This is another level of enjoying the underwater world. When people usually dive in a tropical beach with warm temperature, the Russian have their unique kind of diving in a freezing cold temperature. Diving in the tropical seas will mesmerize you with various kinds of fish, lots of coral reefs. Then what can be found in the cold water? Russian usually dives in the Lake Baikal. It is located in the heart of Siberia. They might not find any coral reefs and fish, but more than that, jumping into the clear water of Lake Baikal would give them a new experience. The challenging feeling of exploring world largest clean water with unique underwater lighting which is made from a see trough ice above.

3. Winter Zorbing

Imagining doing this is quite joyful yet challenging. It might be fine in a summer season, which can make your adrenaline goes up, with dizzy sensation and hot inside. But how can Russian doing this for fun in the winter season? For your information, zorbing is an outdoor adventure sport in which participants roll down the slopes or hills strapped inside a zorb. While a zorb  is a large transparent plastic ball with the diameter of 3 meters. Although it can be done in any season, Russian already associated to do this for fun in winter. The reason is only for testing their limit with the temperature. So, do you want to try? And let your body roll over the orb and feel the dizziness? Winter zorbing can be found in many Moscow parks.

4,. Snowman parades

Besides all thrilling activities above, Russian also has the activity which is entertaining. When all the roads are covered with snow, it is not difficult for people to make such number of snowmen. This activity also delightful not only for the adults, but also can be done together with the children. In Moscow, people make beautiful cute snowman then continue with doing parade in the Arbart Street. It is such a cute way to do in winter and not need much cost. Just leave your comfortable bed and go outside then make snowman with your creativity.

5. Icebreaker cruise in Moscow River

Another thing to do for fun in Russia is explore the river in Moscow. Don’t worry of the frozen river, because Russian has their special cruise to break the ice. This boats is specially designed for winter season. So it is equipped with the tolls to crack the snow which are covered the river in the season. I bet not only Russian who will really like this, ut the foreigners would find it lovable, since they are pleased with the splendid view of the city. Also the cruise offers sophisticated dinner for your romantic night.

6. Ice skating

It is one of the most popular activities to do in winter by Russian. A fun thing to do, can be done everywhere around the city and not much material needed, except the willing to get blend in with another. This activity was also popular since the 1950s. When it is winter time, then it is time to go ice skating.

7. Skiing

Skiing is a must do activities in winter. Actually it is not only done for fun, but rather you can get a good health and cardiovascular endurance. Besides, it is a good way to get back to nature.

8. Russian hockey/bandy

While you can exercise your body, you can also get warm by doing this activity. This can be done indoor or outdoor. But Russian tends to play it outdoor, no matter how extreme of cold it is.

9. Vodka

Last but not least, after going through hard day, Russian ends the day with having some vodka. It will give them warm feeling and such a perfect companion for snowy winter.

That’s all 9 Crazy things Russian do for fun in winter.

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