The Difference of Слышать and Слушать in Russian Language

How many Russian verbs that make you confused to choose which one is right for your sentence? As we know, in every language there are many verbs that have a function to describe the same subject or object. However, some of these verbs have different uses, depending on the situation or actions that we did. What if we start learning the difference between слышать and слушать? Слышать and слушать not only have the similar meaning, but also similar words. Let’s see the differences between these two verbs by looking the explanation below.

Слышать (Slyshat’)

Слышать  means to hear. It’s about your physical ability to catch sounds using your ears. It is a process to listening something or unconscious perception of the surrounding voices. Here are some examples that will help you better understand about слышать. 

  • Я не хочу слышать твой голос.
    (Ya ne khochu slyshat’ tvoy golos)
    I do not want to hear your voice.
  • Меня зовут Олга, слышите?
    (Menya zovut Olga, slyshite?)
    My name is Olga, can’t you hear?
  • Она слышит звук воды.
    (Ona slyshit zvuk vody)
    She hear the sound of water.
  • Ты меня слышишь?
    (Ty menya slyshish’?)
    Can you hear me.
  • Ты слышала последнюю новость?
    (Ty slyshala poslednyuyu novost’?)
    Have you heard the latest news?
  • Антон слышит в квартире мяуканье котенка.
    (Anton slyshit v kvartire myaukan’ye kotenka)
    Anton hears in the apartment the mewing of a kitten.
  • мы слышали плач звука.
    (my slyshali plach zvuka)
    we heard a sound of cry.

Слушать (Slushat’)

Слушать means to listen. When you use the verb this means you are paying attention to something. You do not only hear but also try to realize the information you hear. It can be associated with listening to music, listening to teacher or lecture explanations, or listening to the voices of your friends from the phone. Here are some examples of слушать.

  • Мы любим слушать поп-музыку.
    (My lyubim slushat’ pop-muzyku)
    We like to listen to pop music.
  • Студенты слушают лекции на английском.
    (Studenty slushayut lektsii na angliyskom)
    The students are listening lecture in English.
  • Мне нравится слушать радио в машине.
    (Mne nravitsya slushat’ radio v mashine)
    I like listening to the radio in the car.
  • Он будет слушать больше, чем говорить.
    (On budet slushat’ bol’she, chem govorit’)
    He will listen more than speak.
  • Я люблю слушать ее голос.
    (Ya lyublyu slushat’ yeye golos)
    I love to listen to her voice.
  • Она не хочет слушать, потому что он говорит всякую ерунду.
    (Ona ne khochet slushat’, potomu chto on govorit vsyakuyu yerundu)
    She does not want to listen, because he says all sorts of nonsense.

After seeing examples of слышать and слушать, now it is your turn to make a few sentences use both verbs. Don’t forget to keep paying attention to the grammar rules. Check if your sentence uses genitive caseinstrumental casepresent tense, or past tense. Have you ever wondered with phrases related to dating a Russian? You can check it by visiting this page.

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