What Are The Differences Between Russian And Japanese Tea Culture?

Any nationality, nation, or country is characterized by the presence of an everyday drink that meets the needs of the population and is consistent with national culture, traditions and climatic features. For Russia, thanks to the efforts of enthusiasts and Russian merchants, tea has become such a drink since the beginning of the 18th century. […]

7 Steps on How to Use Famous Russian Teapot, Samovar

Teapots are available in a myriad of materials starting from nearly infrangible cast iron to frail and fragile glass or porcelain. However, ceramic pots are the most common for daily use. It is because they are typically cheap, relatively durable, and can retain heat well. They are also relatively easy to use, though you need […]

The History and Tradition of Russian Samovar

Samovar, a combination of the word “sam“, meaning self, and “varit“, meaning “to boil”, is a traditional Russian teapot. Although originally intended as a tool to boil water for tea, its usage has evolved through time, and it became a symbol of tribute to the ancestors and a sign of hospitality. Usually, samovar is made […]