11 Most Served Desserts In Russian Restaurants

With an abundance of rich wild berries and other distinct Russian fruits, sweet delicacy such as desserts hold a special place on the restaurant table. Some of the Things You Need To Taste In Russia is the amazing delicious dessert that is particularly valued highly as it is considered as a luxury. Russia season change into four, […]

7 Mouthwatering Cake that You Can Only Find in Russia (Irresistible)

Talking about cakes, you might first think of birthday as it is when you always see cakes. However, for people who loves sweet and dessert, cake means a lot more than that. Nowadays cake industry keep growing everywhere around the world, adapting styles from other places. Perhaps you can even see cake adapted from France […]

4 Most Delicious Russian Vegan Recipes that You Must Try Soon

Health is something precious. All of those fame, success, beauty, money, would mean nothing if you ain’t got a healthy body to live your life. In order to gain this, people do many things, from dieting to being a vegan. Well, there might be another reasons for being a vegan, but that’s all for the […]

10 Most Favorite Dessert in Russian Cuisine You Have to Try

There will always be room for dessert. Such a classic saying that applies to most of us. Well, who wouldn’t be craving for those sweets, dripping chocolate, buttercream, that’s presented in such an eye-catching way? Dessert can both stop you from craving for another foods after finishing a meal and pleasing your taste buds with […]