What Makes Russian Muffin Become So Special?

Muffin is a favorite in family kitchens all over the world for three simple reason. First, they can be made quickly and simply without too much fuss. You don’t have to whisk egg perfectly, no need for delicate expertise commonly needed to make other types of cake. Second, they are delicious and suit the palate […]

3 Innovations of Blini That Will Make Your Breakfast Special

Blini, one of Russian’s traditional delicacies, date back to the pagan time before Christianity was introduced. Made from wheat or buckwheat flour and fermented milk, blini resemble regular pancakes or crepes. Russians eat them all the time, but especially during the Maslenitsa celebration at the end of freezing winter to welcome the spring and the […]

What Do Russians Eat for Their Daily Breakfast? Here are the Answers!

A healthy breakfast is essential for starting off the day. It is often described as the most important meal of the day. However, many people rush through their morning routines and fail to prepare their breakfast. Little did they know, skipping breakfast means skipping out on essential nutrients and benefits that can improve their day. […]