Word Stress In Russian Language

Not all languages have stress. If your mother tongue has no stress marks, have you curious about the function of stress in a language? When you learn Russian as beginners and use a grammar book, you will find a stress symbol in every word. The stress or we called it as ударение (udarenyie) in Russian, has a function to make […]

The Genitive Case of Russian Adjectives

In the previous post, we have learned how to change nominative case of nouns to genitive case of Russian nouns. Have you remembered the formula? If you want to create more complex sentences using adjectives, you need to learn the formula of adjectives as well. The function of adjectives in the genitive case is to describe […]

The Genitive Case of Russian Nouns

For the first time learning Russian language, many beginners are confused about how to make verb conjugations and noun formulas. Maybe It looks complicated, but if you learn it step by step you will understand it better. After a dative, accusative, and prepositional case, the topic for today is still related to the Russian case. Let’s learn […]

The Accusative Case of Russian Adjectives

In a previous post, we have learned about the instrumental case of Russian nouns. If you’ve already familiar with the formulas and can create sentences using this case, let’s continue learning more about the adjective as well. The accusative case of Russian adjective has a function to describe a noun from a direct object. Just […]

The Accusative Case of Russian Nouns

Different from the dative case that used to describe indirect object, we use accusative cases to describe or show the direct object. The accusative case often follow the questions: What? and whom? In Russian language those are: Что? and Кого? The Accusative case of Russian Nouns function is to indicate the activity or action of […]

The Instrumental Case of Russian Nouns

If you want to learn basic Russian language, you can just learn some idioms and phrases. But, if your goal is to master the Russian language, you must have a good understanding of Russian grammar. You can learn one by one aspect of the Russian language, such as the perfective, imperfective aspect, adjective, and Russian cases […]

The Instrumental Case of Adjectives in Russian Language

To mastering the Russian language, it is important to have a good understanding of the nominative, genitive, accusative, dative, instrumental, and prepositional cases. For now, let’s learn about the instrumental case of adjectives. The instrumental case is used to show an action or describe the profession. It’s use after prepositions like c (with), между (between), […]

The Dative Case of Russian Adjectives

When you have a good understanding of Russian grammar, it will be easier for you to start a communication in the Russian language. In the previous post, we learn about dative case of Russian nouns. If you have learned it, let’s continue to the next lesson about dative case of Russian adjectives that are easy […]

The Classification and Functions of Conjunctions in Russian

How is your progress in learning Russian? If you still find it difficult, you can visit 4 tips to learn Russian language effectively and easily. Well, now let’s learn about conjunctions in Russian language. As we know, a conjunction has a function to connect words or phrases and make the sentence flow smoothly. The common conjunctions in Russian language are: И, а (and), Но (but), Или (or), Что (that), […]

4 Tips To Learn Russian Language Effectively

Hi! How’s the Russian? Still got it right? But, where’s Will? You took care of it, right? If it is not, then there will be a problem. Yup! The big one! Some researches result that learning new habits needs 21 days at least to make it a new habit. It makes, without a really good […]