Categories: Russian Culture

Collect All of Russian Beliefs and Customs as Your Direction To Live There

Do you want to know more about Russia?

Talking about the beliefs and customs is not something that sounds unusual among people. In all countries on earth, they certainly have beliefs and customs that are still applied in their daily lives. Although today is the modern era. This belief and custom merges with the modern life of society.

Beliefs and customs also exist in Russia. As a newcomer or perhaps a tourist in Russia, of course you need to know about this. In order for you to become more familiar with the beliefs and customs that exist in Russia, let us collect all Russian beliefs and customs as your direction to live there.

As the largest country on earth, Russia certainly has many beliefs and customs that exist in it. Between one city and another city usually has special beliefs and customs that are still carried out by the citizens of the city. Even when you decide to visit or move to the area, you also inevitably participate in doing the beliefs and customs that are around your place of residence.

But there are some people who don’t believe in beliefs and customs. They consider it superstitious and useless in the modern era like today. Even so, in fact there are many people who are indirectly still believe and do things beliefs and customs in their city. If you plan to stay for a long time or even move to Russia, it’s a good idea to find out in advance about the beliefs and customs that exist in Russia.

Therefore, as an additional information for you, this article will discuss Russian beliefs and customs. Let’s gather all Russian beliefs and customs as your direction to live there.

  • Beliefs and Customs in Russia Relating to Babies and Children

I think, almost in all countries in the world have beliefs and customs in the community relating to babies and children. Also included in Russia. In this country there are a few things you should consider when you have a plan you want to visit the baby from colleagues or acquaintances.

The mothers in Russia is not going to show her newborn baby to anyone for 48 hours after the baby was born. Except for boys, midwives or other closest relatives. There is also a ban on buying gifts for unborn babies. You can only buy gifts such as toys, clothes and other supplies after the baby is born.

  • Things You Must Do Before Doing a Long Trip

Russians who want to go on long trips have some beliefs and customs to do. That is someone who wants to go on a long trip and everyone who takes them away must sit for a moment in silence. It was done before they left the house. There is also a mention if someone who wants to go on a long trip must sit next to the suitcase they will take away on the trip.

When someone has left home to travel far away, the person’s room and their belongings may not be cleaned until the room owner returns home. But if there are guests who will occupy the room, it can be cleaned the day after the room owner leaves.

  • Things That Are Believed by The Russians Could Bring Bad Luck

In Russia there are also beliefs and customs that are believed to bring bad luck. If you destroy the mirror, it can be considered bad luck in Russia. It is also just as bad as seeing someone’s self-reflection on a broken mirror.

When you are facing an exam, do not cut your nails or wearing something new. It is believed to bring bad luck to you. Do not talk about the future success or brag about it. People in Russia believe it will give bad luck.

  • Things That Are Considered Taboo in Russia

In Russia there are also some things that are still considered taboo in local communities. Taboo is for example giving a gift of sharp items such as scissors, knives or other things to someone. It can be avoided by making it as traded goods.

There are a number of countries in the world that are taboo when stepping over someone. Included in Russia. It would be better if you ask the person to step aside politely. If you do it accidentally, you can step over the person’s body backwards.

  • Beliefs and Customs in Russia Relating to Bad Omens

Do you include people who are careless about your luggage? If so, you have to start paying attention to the items you carry away.

When you have gone to somewhere and realize something is missing, you will usually return home to pick it up, right? But it would bring bad omen in Russia. It would be better if you left the item behind. There are also those who think that if there is a woman who comes to you with an empty bucket, that is a bad omen.

  • Things That Are Believed to Lead to Conflict in Russia

There are also beliefs and customs in Russia which is believed to lead to conflict. For example, two or more people may not use a towel at the same time, people in Russia believe it may bring the conflict in the future. If you accidentally step on someone else’s foot, that person can lightly step on your feet. They believe it can avoid conflict.

When you want to hand over a knife that you hold to someone else, you should put the knife on the table or other surface first. If you submit directly, it is believed to bring conflict and contention.

And maybe there are still some of Russian beliefs and customs that haven’t been listed above. I hope this article can really help you to find out Russian beliefs and customs. Let’s gather all Russian beliefs and customs as your direction to live there.

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