Categories: Russian Culture

8 Traditions of Russian-Jewish Wedding In Russia

ews are a Jewish belief that is to believe in the form of the Almighty God, the creator of the world who dictated the nation of Israel from the oppression of Egypt, decreed God’s law to them, and chose them as a light to humans throughout the world.

This belief is spread throughout the world, although it does not include trust with the most followers. And Jewish beliefs have many unique traditions. One of them is a unique tradition at the time of marriage that is still being carried out today.

Russia is a country that does not prohibit its citizens from adhering to any belief as long as it does not oppose the country. In contrast to Russia in the Soviet regime. The freedom to embrace this religion made some Russian residents have Jewish beliefs. And Russian-Jewish continues to carry out various activities in accordance with the rules of belief. Including when holding a wedding. Russian-jewish are also still obedient in carrying out traditions according to their beliefs in order to get blessings from God Almighty. And every resident who conducts an activity according to their beliefs is greatly liberated there, and the population continues to live in harmony and peace.

Russian lovers are certainly very curious about the Russian wedding ceremony. and on this occasion, we will provide an explanation of the Russian-Jewish wedding tradition for you. of course, this article will add to your knowledge of Russia and the diversity that is there. Here are 8 traditions of russian-jewish wedding in Russia.

1. Signing The Modification

Before the wedding is held, the bridegroom (khatan) must declare his willingness to comply with the conditions contained in the modification (prenuptial agreement), in the presence of two witnesses who will sign it. Ketubah is in the form of a piece of text adorned with pictures framed and displayed in the residence of the two brides. And this modification was read aloud under khuppah, namely the title of the marriage veil. Ketubah is read in the original version in Aramaic, but is sometimes read in a translated version. After that, ketubah was signed by two witnesses.

The decree contains details of the bridegroom’s obligation to the bride, including the affairs of clothing, food, and conjugal relations. Obligations in the amendments must be carried out. If violated, it is considered to have committed a major sin. not only in Russia, the signing of the decree was also carried out by all devout Jews. This is a tradition that should not be missed.

2. Using Khuppah (Marriage Hood)

Khuppah or huppah, khipe, khuppa is a wedding veil that is used during Jewish wedding ceremonies. And this tradition is also done by Russian-Jewewish. Khuppah is a piece of white cloth spread over the head of the bride and groom. During the process of the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom are in the shade of the khuppah. And it turns out that not only a piece of white cloth, there is a deep meaning from khuppah. Khuppah symbolizes a new home built by the bride and groom when they become husband and wife. And the new house that was built was a sacred house.

3. The Bride Surrounds The Groom

This third tradition is very unique and also has a deep meaning, in the form of prayer and hope for the future of the two brides in fostering a household. Traditionally, the bride must walk around the bride three times or seven times.

Do you know the meaning of numbers 3 and 7 in Jewish beliefs? The three rounds performed by the bride mean three virtues of marriage, namely truth, justice, and compassion. Seven rounds come from the assumption that number 7 is a symbol of perfection and completeness. However, the Sephardi Jews did not carry out this tradition. The Jewish wedding tradition is not practiced by all Jewish groups, but most Russian-Jewish do it.

4. Submission Of The Ring

In traditional wedding ceremonies of the Jews, before the engagement ceremony two kinds of blessing prayers were read. The first prayer is to ask for the blessing of wine, and one more prayer is the engagement prayer set in Talmud. Furthermore, the wine was tasted by the two brides.

And the essence of this ceremony is that the groom gives a ring to the bride while saying “behold, you are set apart for me with this ring according to the law of Moses and Israel”. And according to tradition it must be a plain ring. The ring was pinned on the index finger of the bride’s right hand which was witnessed by two witnesses. Some traditions exchange rings, but some are only the groom who gives a ring.

5. Sheva Brakhot

Sheva Brakhot is a ceremony of seven blessings. That is given a cup of wine to drink to the bridegroom after the seven blessings and the bride also drinks the wine. In some traditions, the cup is brought to the groom’s lips by his father-in-law and to the bride’s lips by his mother-in-law.

6. Glass Breaking Ceremony

After the bride receives the ring, then the groom breaks the glass by stepping on his right foot. In today’s Russian Jewish tradition, glass is replaced with incandescent lamps to make it easier to break and produce a louder sound. This tradition is a symbol of happiness over marriage.

7. Yikhud

Yikhud means togetherness. The two brides were left alone together for 10 to 20 minutes after the wedding ceremony. The bride and groom are alone in a private room. And there are also those who let the bride and groom together under the khupppah (marriage hood).

8. Special Dances

Dance is something very important in Jewish marriage. These dances are usually performed by guests to entertain the bride and groom on their happy day. The dances include the Krenzl dance. Namely the bride’s mother is crowned with a series of flowers while her daughter dances around her. Usually this dance is done if the married one is the last daughter.

In addition there is also a dance to cheer the bride’s heart. Guests dance around the bride, while wearing silly items such as signs, flags, costumes and tablecloths. These dances are a form of entertainment celebrating the happy wedding day of the two brides.

Every belief certainly has special traditions in celebrating something including wedding celebrations. And Russian-Jewish also does traditions according to their beliefs. Those are 8 traditions of russian-jewish wedding in Russia. Hopefully this article can add to your knowledge of life and culture in the country of Russia.

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