Russian Christmas Celebration; You May Steal Everything on Rusian Svyatki Day

When we are talking about the Christmas celebration, you will find that each culture will have its way of celebrating. Now we are going to learn about the Russian Christmas celebration. You may even steal everything on Russian Svyatki. So, what is Svyatki? This is the period from January 7th (Orthodox Christmas Eve) to January […]

What Russian eat for their daily breakfast? Here are the answers

It’s a popular belief that breakfast is the most important meal in a day. Scientists say breakfast prepares the human body to do activities after a long “fast” in the night. Even some studies linked breakfast to higher scores in school and better performance in work. Furthermore, breakfast is also linked to a habit of […]

The Orthodox Easter Day in Russia

Easter is the important celebration for Christians. Easter is identical with Jesus. Paul called it “the Passover lamb”. The Christian congregation today believes that Jesus was crucified, died and buried. Then on the third day rose from the dead. Easter celebrates the day of the resurrection. This is the most important celebration because it commemorates […]

Get To Know About Russian Easter Eggs

Easter Day symbolizes the passion and death of Jesus Christ. A series of great day begins with the celebration of White Thursday, Good Friday, and Quiet Saturday then the Easter Sunday evidences as the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. There is one unique thing that has always been synonymous with this great celebration, the […]

Symbols and Tradition of New Year in Russia

Most Russians celebrate New Year’s Eve with family and close friends. New year’s celebration in Russia comes from the celebration of Christmas. Big holiday in Russia is Christmas before Communist Party have banned the religious festivities. Russians celebrate the New Year as much as possible as Christmas, but exclude the religious aspect. Its  compensation because […]

The History and Tradition of Russian Samovar

Samovar, a combination of the word “sam“, meaning self, and “varit“, meaning “to boil”, is a traditional Russian teapot. Although originally intended as a tool to boil water for tea, its usage has evolved through time, and it became a symbol of tribute to the ancestors and a sign of hospitality. Usually, samovar is made […]