3 Innovations of Blini That Will Make Your Breakfast Special

Blini, one of Russian’s traditional delicacies, date back to the pagan time before Christianity was introduced. Made from wheat or buckwheat flour and fermented milk, blini resemble regular pancakes or crepes. Russians eat them all the time, but especially during the Maslenitsa celebration at the end of freezing winter to welcome the spring and the […]

What Makes Blini A Must-Taste For Newcomers in Russia?

A country’s traditional dish or signature cuisine is definitely more than just some food on a plate. There’s a lot more going on in there. Almost always, a traditional dish that has been passed over generations tells about the place’s culture, history, and a lot of stories. Russia has a lot of signature dishes that […]

Blini in Russian Culture: Bring Out All the Pancake

No one can resists the goodness a pancake offers and that is the truth. Now, speaking of pancake, there is this one special pancake that Russians really love. In fact, it is a part of every Russian’s life. Russians call this pancake ‘Blini’. Blini in Russian culture holds a very special place. It is a […]