Russian Fairy Tale about Winter Stories and Its Literatures 

The notoriety of Russian writing spreads far and wide. While some people appreciate overwhelming works of art, for example, War and Peace, others may be searching for a progressively accessible gateway into the Russian writing. On the off chance that you have a place with the last classification, you might be interested in Russian literatures […]

Kolobok; The Funniest Russian Cake Which Is Adopted from Russian Fairytales

There are lots of cakes that we can enjoy when visiting a country. It could even be that the cake was made because it was inspired by something. For example, for the respect of important figures in the country, an event that occurred in that country to the characters in the country’s fairytales. The shape […]

5 Most Popular Russian Folktales to Fill in Your Literary Thirst

Perhaps, folktale is not an unknown story for some of us. Both children and adults can enjoy these folktales. There is at least one folktale title that we have known about since we were children. In fact, you could just have your favorite folktales that you still remember clearly the plot. As we know, every […]

Myths and Facts of Baba Yaga, The Frightening Witch

Do you like fairy tales? Will you read fairy tales? If you want, the story you will read is about Baba Yaga. Do you know about Baba Yaga? For those of you who don’t know about Baba Yaga, let’s look at the myths and facts of Baba Yaga, the Frightening Witch. Baba Yaga is a […]

4 Most Horrifying Russian Fairy Tales You Must Know

Are you someone who likes to read horrifying fairy tales? Do you often find yourself returning to the dark side of literature, figuring out tales that make you sit on the edge of your seat? There is nothing more chilling to horror junkie than a tale that makes their flesh creep. What does that say […]

6 Most Popular Russian Fairy Tale Characters

We are all grown up with the characters of some fairy tales, myths, and fables such as Snow White, Pinocchio, Cinderella, Bambi, Peter Pan, Baba Yaga, and Rapunzel. However, things are bound to change when we become adults because we start having more responsibilities, so we have to grow up and somehow throw those fairy tales […]

5 Famous Russian Fairy Tales Every Native Russian Knows

Fairy tales let us have a bit of break from the chaos of the real world by providing non-linear and non-rational possibilities. Good fairy tales also show how the main character uses the advice or magical tools served by other magical creatures to good advantage. Many times, magical advice comes to the person who is […]

6 Russian Fairy Tale and Myth Books for Children

We know that a child’s imagination is a powerful and picturesque thing. Not only is it used to create stories and games, but it is also a key factor in their creative thoughts. This imagination comes with a cultural literacy and fairy tale and myth often include different cultures and things. They show children the […]