8 Habits You Should Do When You Live in Russia

When you live in any country definitely you have to follow and respect the local culture. You have to know the habits of the local community. These should be followed respectfully. What country it is, you should do the habits you where live in. Here we talk about 8 habits you should do when you […]

7 Russian habits that you can adopt to your daily life

Of the various habits people in Russia, many things we can adopt.  We can apply in everyday life. Here there are 7 Russian habits that we can emulate. Their habits has been done for a long time, and has become a culture, of course this is a good Russian culture. Russia is a country that has […]

Here Are The Most Used Social Media in Russia

Here are we talk about the most used social media in Russia. Not different with the other countries, the Russian community is also a part of the netizens, in which every activity of the citizen can not be separated from social media. Russia with 146 million citizen is one of the largest market for social media […]

7 Traditional Folk Entertainment That Russian Enjoy So Much

Russia is so diverse in term of culture. It’s not boring living in the country as the many cultures will be ready entertain. There are so many cultures in the country. Those start from dance, music and other shows. All of them are so enjoyable to see and watch. There is no ending talking abut […]

11 Improper Things to Never Show to Russian Friends

What makes interacting with people from different country tricky? The truth is we’re all human, we have the same anatomy and physiology, yet it’s a bit hard sometimes to interact smoothly with foreigners. Did you know, there’s a simple key that can answer it all? It is the culture differences that has become a huge […]

9 Important Things to Know of How to Make Friends with Russian

Russian is a huge country with specific culture that’s spead among Russians, be it in he Russian meal time etiquette, etiquette of dating Russian women, anything. In Russian Student-Friendly Cities, it’s not so hard to make friends. However, if you’re interested in making friends with Russian, then don’t hesitate. Russians are very sociable, they would also make […]

3 etiquette to greet younger people in Russia

How you greet someone older than you and someone younger than you can be different. In certain Asian countries, age gap plays a huge role in determining your relationship. Those older will be treated with seniority and respect while those younger will be spoken to informally. Even the smallest difference in age (1 year) can […]

5 facts you should know about Russian greeting kiss

Each country has its own special kind of greeting. These greetings may also differ when it’s between friends, family, strangers, or even acquaintances. If you’ve been to Russia, have Russian friends, or just familiar with the Russian culture, you might know that Russians have their own way of greeting each other. These greetings can be […]

Russian handshake etiquette that important to know

Whether it’s formal or informal situations, you can find the act of handshake being performed everywhere in the world. For decades, centuries even, handshakes has been practiced to show mutual respect towards both parties. Handshakes can be used as a greeting or to finalize an agreement. How you shake someone’s hands can tell a lot […]

6 things you must know about dating rules in Russia

Maybe after visiting Russia, you’ve been charmed by a Russian man or woman. Or perhaps, you’ve realized the charming appearance of Russian boys and Russian girls. Before diving in to the relationship, there are things you must know about dating rules in Russia. Dating scenes can differ depending on the culture of the country. That’s why, to avoid […]