Christmas in Russian Common Decorations

Christmas is a Christian holiday celebrated annually by Christians on December 25 to commemorate the birthday of Jesus Christ. Christmas is celebrated in the evening service on December 24; and morning service on 25 December. Some Orthodox churches celebrate Christmas on January 6. What is christmas in russian common decorations? Before it, You can read […]

Wedding Tradition in Russian Orthodox Church

Everyone knows the word “marriage” has Slavic roots and means “to be with.” Married couples, that’s the name of a horse in a bundle, our distant ancestors. According to Orthodox law, after married couples join church marriages, they become “one flesh”. One is in their desires, pleasures and sufferings. The wedding ceremony is one of […]

The Russian Meal Time Etiquette

Russian have unique culture. Sometimes, their culture can’t explaining easily. From daily activities, fashion, until meal time, Russian culture so amazingly unique. Russian etiquette is unique as always since 19th century. Although, every country has their unique etiquette. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, russian meal time etiquette was art. All is meaningful, even […]

The Russian Business Dining Etiquette (must know!)

Russia is a multicultural country that is influenced by various cultures. One that dominates there is the culture of Greek Orthodox Church that has penetrated into the joints of the life of the people of the Red Bear State. In addition, Russian diversity is also enlivened by the Orthodox Slavic culture, the Islamic Tatars, the […]

Declension of The Russian Ordinal Numbers

We have discussed about ordinal numbers in the previous lesson, Ordinal Numbers in Russian Language. In Russian language, ordinal number are numbers that identify the position of objects in the number of similar or identical items. For the next lesson, we are going to learn declension in Russian ordinal numbers. In Russian ordinal numbers, declension […]

Genitive Case in Russian Numbers (forms in nouns and adjectives)

Before we talk about Genitive case of Russian numbers, first of all, let us talk a little bit about Genitive case generally. In Russian language, there are six cases. One of them is Genitive case. In this case, described about the change of nouns based on some situations, such as telling about someones’s ownership in […]

Conjugation in Russian Language (Regular and Irregular Verbs)

After the first lesson about conjugation in Russian language that divided into two categories, such as regular and irregular verbs, now we are going to talk about regular and irregular verbs more specifically. There also will be more examples of irregular verbs conjugation. If you are a beginner, we highly recommend you to visit How to […]