5 Amazing facts about life in Siberia

Siberia is part of the country of russia. The region of siberia is located in the north of kazhakstan state. Siberia has a very large area that is from the volcano to the Pacific Ocean and from the artic ocean to the hills kazakhstan while the middle by the Mongolian and tiongko countries. According to […]

6 Animals That Live in Lake Baikal, Russia

Lake Baikal is southern Siberia, it is precisely between Irkutsk Oblast and the Buryat Republic. Lake Baikal derives from Mongolian language that means Nature Lake. It is the clearer, the deepest and the largest freshwater in the world. It contains 23,615.39 km3 (5,670 cu mi) of fresh water that equals to 22–23% of the world’s fresh surface water. With such number, Lake Baikal contains more […]

7 Interesting facts of Siberian Tigers

Each region must have their own uniqueness. Not only in terms of culture, but also the uniqueness of the animal. One of them in russia is a rare tiger found in other countries, the Siberian tiger. In ancient times, this siberian tiger had lived in korea, china north, mongolia until the western part of the lake […]

6 Mysteries Surrounding Ural Mountains That You Must Know

Previously, you have learnt about 5 surprising things in Ural Mountains. You read many things about its height, range and age. Yes, it is an ancient range of mountains that becomes a boundary between Asia and Europe. You also learn about the fact that it is rich in vitamins and the place where “never-ending winter” […]

5 Fascinating Facts About Taiga In Russia We Wanted To Know

Russia, the largest country in the world. In addition, it is also known as the largest country in the category of the total area. The geography of Russia is so unique that it has 5 natural zones. It consists of the tundra zone, the arid zone, and mountain zone. Another two includes the plains known […]

10 things you should know about Siberian Husky

Russia is a country near the north pole. In addition to the extreme weather there are a variety of fauna that are not found in other countries. Various animal species are present in russia, such as seals, desman russia, pitorama snow sheep, rosary gulls, lemming amur, storks, and barguzin civets. The animals are typical russian animals […]

7 Endemic Animals That Live in Ural Mountains

After knowing several facts and surprising things in Ural Mountains, you have to know about 7 animals that live in Ural Mountains. 1. Wolverine Wolverine also refers to carcajou, glutton, quickhatch, or skunk bear. It is the largest animal in the family of Mustelidae that lives on land. Due to its size and strength, it resembles small bears […]

5 Surprising Things in Ural Mountains

Ural Mountains are a range of mountains that lay from north to south from the west part of Russia. It precisely starts from the coast of Arctic Ocean to Ural River and northwest part of Kazakhstan. According to the map, the Urals are considered as a border that separate Europe and Asia. Moreover, the Urals are categorized as a […]

4 Unknown Things About Don River in Russia

We have talked about Volga river that lays in Russia before. Right now, we will talk about another river that also lays in Russia, which is Don river. Although it is not the largest river in Europe, people consider Don river as one of the greatest. It is one of major rivers in Russia and […]

6 Most Interesting Facts of Volga River in Russia

Volga river is the place for some animals. There are 5 animals that live in Volga river. Those are Russian desman, Russian sturgeon, pelicans, flamingo and Caspian seal. They are both endemic and endangered animals. After knowing such information, you need to know 6 most interesting facts of Volga river in Russia. 1. The Largest River […]